Atman in Ravi: Happiness Ambassador, Author, Spiritual Mentor and Philanthropist
Life is said to be not a single journey but a collection of various moments. Each moment has great significance as one cannot undo or re-do yesterday and one definitely cannot predict what will happen tomorrow. What one has is only today and specifically, that moment. That is why, one should live in the ‘now’ to be blissful and peaceful. A collection and series of actions done regularly become a sort of routine or ritual in life. These small rituals done on a day-to-day basis can make a huge difference in life.
Micro Spirituality is a modern term that refers to a collection of small and simple rituals, routines and spiritual practices incorporated in our daily lives to cultivate a sense of spiritual connection and meaning. It emphasises on finding spirituality in everyday actions and experiences rather than requiring extensive time and effort doing elaborate and complex rituals.
Micro Spirituality can include small activities like consuming one’s meals as a gift from SIP, Supreme Immortal Power, taking every small moment of joy as a gift from the Divine and thanking the Divine for it like waking up and thanking for a new day in life, playing with a pet as a manifestation of the Divine and thanking God for every breath amongst many others. These small practices nurture the sense of gratitude and acceptance in us.
Spending time in silence and being an observer to everything happening around one is also a kind of micro spiritual activity that inculcates a sense of appreciation for every living and non-living creation, fostering the spiritual concept of the omnipresence of the Divine. Everything and every being around us is nothing but a Divine manifestation.
Another beautiful and almost inconsequential action would be to take a few deep breaths before talking to anyone. This action may seem trivial but it will instantly still the mind and help one take a mindful step towards being in Consciousness. It will help in responding to everything happening rather than reacting.
These relatively small, simple actions may not seem spiritual or may not even seem to make a difference in one’s *life* but when they are *practised* on a regular basis, they become micro spiritual actions and foster a strong and sound spiritual foundation that will help one still the mind and bring them into a state of Consciousness, forge a strong Divine bond that will help them transform their *life* in a huge way by strengthening faith, gratitude, acceptance and enthusiasm that will lead to a peaceful and blissful life.