Hyderabad, 10th February 2025: Indian Dental Association, Head Office considers the Local Branches as its lifeline. The wider network of branches across the country supplement and support the efforts of the IDA Head Office in implementing the various projects and programmes, besides carrying out their own programmes in a true spirit and commitment towards optimal oral health for all in the country. By highlighting the best traits in a variety of methods, the awards seek to inspire branches and individual members to reach their full potential. It is now time to honour performance and contributions to the process of IDA’s visibility and to the community’s easier access to oral healthcare services.
The awards distributed at the Award Ceremony, which is scheduled after the Annual General Meeting of the 75th Indian Dental Conference (IDC), Chennai Trade Centre, Nandambakkam, Chennai, today. Dr M Raveendranath, President IDA HO; Dr Ashok Dhoble, Secretary, IDA HO; presented the 8 national awards to Dr S Niranjan Reddy, President – IDA Deccan; Dr Aditya Sandeep, Ex-President, IDA Deccan; and Dr S Anuraga, Best Young Member Awardee – IDA Deccan.
On this occasion Dr A Srikanth, Secretary, IDA, Deccan Branch; said, I would like to congratulate everyone securing the national awards.
IDA Deccan Branch won 8 National Awards:
Dr. V.M.Veerabahu Runners Up Trophy – All Round Activity Local Branch: Deccan Branch;
IDA Runners Up Trophy – Best Local Branch President: Dr.K V Ramana Reddy, Deccan Branch;
IDA Runners Up Trophy – Best Local Branch Secretary: Dr.Ala Srikanth, Deccan Branch;
Dr. Keki Mistry Trophy – Scientific Activity: Deccan Branch;
IDA Runners Up Trophy – Best Council of Dental Health Activity: Deccan Branch;
Dr. Ramakanth Venson Award – Student Activity: Deccan Branch;
Dr. Achyut Deodhar Trophy – School Dental Health: Deccan Branch;
Dr. Ratan H. Doctor Award – 3rd Best Young Member: Dr. S Anuraga, Deccan Branch